JAZZKULTURA is an Internet radio station based in Krakow, focused primarily on the jazz scene in the broadest sense – Polish and foreign, as well as on various aspects and manifestations of contemporary culture. Among the ranks of our editors are music and cultural journalists, musicians, exhibition organizers, activists, academics, cultural and literary scholars, and cultural promoters and promoters.

We play around the clock! If you’re looking for diverse music from around the world at a truly top level, come see us!


Few cities in Poland can boast such a long jazz history and a tradition full of esteemed names and important initiatives as Krakow. So it’s no surprise that it’s here that JAZZKULTURA was founded and develops its activities. Our goal is to continue the jazz tradition and reach back into history, but above all to present what is latest and most up-to-date in jazz and improvised music. JAZZKULTURA is not just a radio station, but first and foremost people. The editors of JAZZKULTURA actively build the Krakow and Polish jazz community, striving to unite it, create a network of relationships and mutual exchange.

Why jazz and culture?

Jazz in Cracow is not just a part of history, but an everyday occurrence and part of the urban fabric. However, there has been a lack of an entity that would bring together the jazz community, not only in Krakow, inform about events, give voice to artists and present ambitious music to both jazz connoisseurs and all those who are looking for quality work.

Contemporary jazz and improvised music takes many forms – jazz-trained artists create music that is difficult to classify or venture into areas far removed from traditional jazz. This music does not exist in a vacuum, but in a broad cultural context and often accompanies artistic events. That’s why JAZZKULTURA also offers other musical genres as well as cultural and journalistic broadcasts. Jazz has always been the music of freedom, so current social issues related to multiculturalism and activism will be on the air.


The core of the editorial staff of JAZZKULTURA consists of people with many years of experience: journalists, producers, cultural animators, promoters, employees of cultural institutions, music lovers, as well as artists themselves. All of them aim to take care of presenting content and music at the highest level, organizing live concerts and promoting the Malopolska, Polish and international jazz scene.

Since September 2024, JAZZKULTURA has been run by the Jazzkultura Association. Previously, from February 2021 to August 2024, the radio operated as part of the Cultural Center “Dworek Białoprądnicki”.

Contact us

JAZZKULTURA Association: redakcja@jazzkultura.pl
Mery Zimny – editor-in-chief: maria.zimny@gmail.com

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